أحباب الله
اهلا بكم في منتديات احباب الله

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eng-ali khurasat
أحباب الله
اهلا بكم في منتديات احباب الله

نرحب بكم
نتمنى لكم وقت ممتع ومفيد
المدير العام
eng-ali khurasat
أحباب الله
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

أحباب الله

أَمَّنْ هُوَ قَانِتٌ آنَاءَ اللَّيْلِ سَاجِدًا وَقَائِمًا يَحْذَرُ الْآخِرَةَ وَيَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ رَبِّهِ ۗ قُلْ هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ ۗ
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول



اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 1087
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/01/2015
العمر : 28
الموقع : الاردن / العقبه

ايبوبروفين Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: ايبوبروفين   ايبوبروفين Emptyالثلاثاء مايو 23, 2017 9:10 pm

Ibuprofen or Sapofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is used to relieve aches and relieve symptoms of pain and stiffness in arthritis. Ibuprofen, in its efficacy and use, is similar to Aspirin. By combining ibuprofen with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, it is effective in treating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. Also, ibuprofen can relieve moderate to moderate pain in the head, as well as pain and contractions associated with menstrual cycle and tooth pain. Sometimes ibuprofen is given with other drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, which (other drugs) are usually slow. Like most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ibuprofen also has side effects, and, like aspirin, may cause bleeding in gastrointestinal tracts.

Instructions Take ibuprofen

Method of handling:
Tablets, capsules, capsules, gel, suspension, and suppositories

Number of doses:
For pain relief: Two to four times a day. Arthritis: From two doses to four doses a day during eating.

For Adults: For pain relief: 600 milligrams per dose, up to 1.2 grams per day. Arthritis: From 1.2 to 2.4 grams every day.

For children to reduce heat: 5 to 10 mg per kg of child weight, daily.

Start of event:
The pain begins to be suppressed within an hour or two. In cases of arthritis, it may be two weeks before we begin to note its anti-inflammatory effect.

Duration of the event
5 to 10 hours.

It is recommended to take the medicine after eating, in order to reduce the risk of irritation in the stomach.

Storage and preservation:
The medicine should be kept in a sealed box, in a dry, cool place, out of the reach of children.

Forget the dose:
If you forget to take the dose, you should take it when you remember it immediately. If you need to take the next dose within 2 hours, you should take the first dose immediately, and give up the next dose.

Stop medication:
In cases where this drug is taken as a pain reliever, it can be stopped safely if it is no longer needed. In cases of long-term treatment for arthritis, consult your doctor before you stop taking it.

An overdose should not be mistaken for any concern. But if special symptoms are observed, or if a large overdose is taken, inform your doctor.

Warnings when taking ibuprofen

During pregnancy:
This drug travels through the placenta. Therefore, it is advisable not to use it during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and the last third of pregnancy, because it may impede and delay the delivery process. In addition, it has a negative effect on cardiovascular performance (B), which should be avoided during the third trimester and at the end of pregnancy (D)

Breast feeding:
The drug is transferred to breast milk, but when taking regular doses, it is unlikely that there will be any negative effects on children
Children and infants
the dose has to be reduced as per the age and weight.
it is possible that the given dose will be reduced.
There are no known problems.
Use long treatments
Surgery and anesthesia:
This drug is likely to increase bleeding. The doctor and anesthetist should be informed of the use of this medicine at least two weeks prior to the procedure.
Side effects of ibuprofen

Common Effectiveness: Darge
Inform the doctor: in acute cases
Common Effectiveness: Darge
Inform the doctor: in acute cases
Common Effectiveness: Darge
Inform the doctor: in acute cases
Common Effectiveness: Darge
Inform the doctor: in acute cases
Common Effectiveness: Rare
Inform the doctor: in each case
Stop taking the medicine
Shortness of breath / whistling
Common Effectiveness: Rare
Inform the doctor: in each case
Stop taking the medicine
Go to hospital
Blood or black stools
Common Effectiveness: Rare
Inform the doctor: in each case
Stop taking the medicine
Go to hospital
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